27, 28 & 29 November 2024 in Lisbon

Culture and Governance

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November 27, 2024 • 14h00 - 17h30

Port city stakeholders have shared values, a maritime identity that unites them, and a desire to develop the port together, as it is the driving force behind the local economy and at the heart of their territory’s history.
For fifteen years now, the AIVP has been promoting the Port Center concept, with the aim of introducing citizens to the complexity of today’s port and enabling them to express their ideas on future projects. Port-city governance is essentially multi-stakeholder. It is based on arrangements that are always different from one territory to another. In this session we will learn about innovative governance in port cities.
We will also discuss new ways to value and showcase the port city culture. From festive programs to exhibitions by local artists, from heritage preservation and reuse to original shared tourism policies, there is a multiplicity of initiatives that port authorities and local authorities can take together in the cultural field. With the rise of industrial tourism, the idea of “experiencing the port from the inside” has never been so popular.

Rapporteur: Hilda Ghiara – University of Genoa, Italy

[14:15-14:30] Deep Dive
How has Le Havre established a heathy cooperation between the port and the city?
• HAROPA Port, France
• City of Le Havre, France

[14:30-15:30] Roundtable
What are the new, engaging governance models?
• Port Authority of Montreal, Canada – tbc
• Port of Seattle, USA
• Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, Philippines

[15:30-16:00] Coffee break

[16:00-16:20] Deep Dive
How can port city actors protect UNESCO biosphere reserves?
• Port of Baie Comeau, Canada
• National biosphere reserve of Manicouagan-Uapishka, Canada

[16:20-17:05] Roundtable
How can port city actors valorize maritime culture?
• City of Pointe Noire, Congo
• Freeport of Riga Authority, Latvia
• Port of Lisbon, Portugal

[17:05-17:45] Visit of Gare Maritima Alcantara
After the debates we will visit the room with the Panels of Almada Negreiros, that have been restored thanks to a cooperation project between the Port Authority of Lisbon and the World Monuments Fund


First Senior Director for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

For more than 30 years, Bookda has fought for racial equity and social justice. She is deeply passionate about creating systemic, transformational change, and has a proven track record of grounding her work within communities that are most impacted by racial and economic inequities. Bookda believes that we all have a responsibility to actively repair the harm done to historically oppressed communities, and to do so, we must work collectively to improve opportunities and outcomes for all, while simultaneously addressing the unique needs of different communities.  


Before coming to the Port, Bookda served as a Policy Advisor for King County’s Office of Equity and Social Justice. She has also served as the Executive Director of multiple philanthropic organizations, each committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 



As Senior Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Bookda provides leadership and strategic direction for the Port’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts, both internal and external. She leads a team of racial equity experts build capacity in departments across the Port to address institutional racism by creating equitable policies, practices, and procedures. Bookda is leading the Port’s efforts to create a culture of inclusivity and belonging, to ensure the fair and intentional distribution of resources and opportunities, and to expand economic development and quality of life for all.  

Christophe HUSSER

Directeur Général Adjoint - Département Espaces publics et Aménagement urbain

Christophe Husser has been deputy general manager of the city of Le Havre since 2018. In charge of technical services, urban planning and ecological transition, he pilots projects for the development of public spaces, the construction of public facilities and urban development, particularly at the city-port interface. Previously, he held positions in the State's territorial services on mobility and transport infrastructure policies, as well as at the Port of Dunkirk, where he was in charge of industrial-port zone development and environmental policies. Christophe Husser is a graduate engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.


Director of Administrative Department

I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Philology and Literature  by Latvian State University; and M.D. in Translation & Interpretation, Faculty of Humanities, by University of Vigo, Spain;
Since 1998 I have been working  for the Freeport of Riga Authority in the same position as today being responsible for maintaining and fostering corporate long term relationships with  international governmental state and municipal entities, port of Riga sister ports,  international port organizations, foreign embassies located in Latvia.
I am also in charge of receiving foreign business commercial delegations and port trade promoting and cultural events organization;
I serve for many years as :
Alternative Director for Latvia in International Association of Ports and harbours (IAPH);
Member of General Assembly for Latvia in European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO);
Representative for Latvia in International Association of Ports Cities (AIVP)

Florian WEYER

Directeur Général Délégué du Grand Port Fluvio-Maritime de l'Axe Seine

Chief engineer of Bridges, Waters and Forests, graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, Florian Weyer is delegated CEO in charge of HAROPA PORT territorial direction of Le Havre and of the Digital transition project.

Florian Weyer began his career at the SNCF before joining the Ministry of Ecology as head of the Policies and Techniques department at the North-Western Interdepartmental Road Directorate. In 2014, he was appointed director of Transport at the Regional Council of Alsace. His position evolved to become Deputy CEO in charge of Mobilities at the Grand Est Regional Council. During these five years, he was responsible for organising passenger rail transport, monitoring infrastructure projects financed by the Region and planning and coordinating mobility on a regional scale. He led major projects for the modernisation of regional transport, such as the opening up to rail competition.


In the summer of 2019, Florian Weyer joined the cabinet of Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, as Land Transport Advisor, before joining Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Secretary of State to the Minister, in charge of Transport. Appointed Minister Delegate in July 2020, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari promoted Florian Weyer to the position of Deputy Director of his cabinet. In addition to his portfolio on all land transport, he was responsible for coordinating the France Recovery Plan for transport, coordinating industrial sectors and contributing to the Climate and Decentralisation law projects.


On 31 January 2022, Florian Weyer took up his post at the territorial direction of Le Havre, within the new "Seine axis major river/seaport" which brings together the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris into a single establishment. In this capacity, he is appointed member of the HAROPA PORT management board.


Senior Deputy Administrator

Mr Ronnie R. Yambao, Senior Deputy Administrator for Operations Group of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority leads the operations management of the Subic Bay International Airport and the Port of Subic Bay. 

He joined the SBMA in 1998 as an Investment Specialist.  As Manager of SBMA Investment Department from 2006 to 2016 and OIC of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Business Group from 2011 to 2016, he managed an account portfolio of over $5 Billion worth of investments in the sectors of shipbuilding, manufacturing, renewable energy, power, logistics, maritime, industrial park development, and shipping industries.

He is a graduate of BSC Management from San Beda College in 1994 and finished his MBA at the Ateneo De Manila Regis Program in 2006.  He was a recipient of the Carl Duisberg Scholarship Program in 2002 and finished a course in Investment Promotion and International Management in Germany. He also completed a course in Strategic Port Management in Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan under the Japan International Cooperation Agency Scholarship Program in 2019.

Jean-Philippe L. MESSIER

Directeur Général

Founder and director of the RMBMU, Jean-Philippe set up an organization mandated by UNESCO as a member of the world network of biosphere reserves, which now includes more than 700 sites in nearly 130 countries. Under his leadership, the RMBMU has become a major agent of change in its region and a reference within the international network in which it operates. The activities of the RMBMU are now deployed within four business units and a reinvestment mechanism and levers for deploying projects in the designated territory. Jean-Philippe is notably a member of the Executive Council of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and President of the UNESCO-MAB Committee of Canada. In 2014, the Ministry of International Relations awarded him the Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins Prize for his achievements recognized beyond the borders of Quebec.



Tenured Researcher and Professor in Maritime Traffic, Ports and Regional Economies

Hilda Ghiara, is Aggregate Professor and Tenured Researcher in Applied Economics, DIEC (Department of Economics, - University of Genoa Italy and member of the scientific board of the Italian Centre of Excellence for Integrated Logistics (CIELI). Responsible of a full module (Department of Economics), University of Genoa (Maritime and Port Economics). Author, co-author or editor of several scientific international publications, she is regularly a speaker/session chairman at scientific and professional conferences. She is Project manager of international research programs financed by the European Union and other private and public institutions. Since 2009 she has been a main promoter and project manager of the project Genoa Port Center (Port of Genoa Exhibition & Education Center), an initiative aiming to advance port communication and port knowledge exchange. The project won in 2009 a Special mention for ESPO award and in 2012 the Port of Genoa who has been chosen to receive the ESPO Award for societal integration dedicated in 2012 to the theme of Youth.

Location: Gare Marítima de Alcântara
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