16, 17 & 18 November 2023, Venice, Italy
“Linking global and local, technology and the citizens” is the guiding topic for this year’s AIVP Conference on November 16th, 17th and 18th 2023. Social acceptability and citizen dialogue are the essential foundation of innovative ports. Venice is an extreme example of some of the challenges that will be discussed: threatened by sea-level rise and flooding, often at the forefront of social issues such as tourism, while also keeping and protecting local culture and heritage. AIVP in cooperation with Venice’s North Adriatic Sea Port Authority will offer a rich program, hosting sessions to discuss citizen dialogue in the implementation of solutions for the energy transition, climate change and resilient port cities, balancing tourism and the blue economy with local priorities, or how port-city interface projects can connect citizens with their port. These and many other topics will be addressed in our forthcoming conference.
We hope to see you there! To learn more about the event and its program, click here:
Our partner and sponsors

Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale – Porti di Venezia e Chioggia.
The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority has been a member of the Association and its Board of Directors since 2016 and 2017, respectively.
This long-standing collaboration with AIVP will contribute to the event success. The expertise of the port’s teams, their generosity and their commitment are invaluable assets in making these three days an unforgettable opportunity for sharing.
Local Partner:


For all partnership requests, please contact:
Mail: alaani@aivp.org
Tel: +33 (0)2 35 42 76 54